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The Isle of Wight


+44 (0)1983 817000

Solcom House, 79 George Street

Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2JF  



+44 (0)1983 817000

Sunderland Software City Sunderland Software Centre Tavistock Place, Sunderland SR1 1PB

Sunderland Office


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How to buy Whzan 

Buy through Crown Commercial Service Supplier

Solcom Ltd, developers of Whzan Digital Health software are on the Spark Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), run by Crown Commercial Service (CCS).


This allows buyers and commissioners from NHS England, CCGs, Primary Care Networks, NHS Trusts, NHS Special Health Authorities and Local Authorities to access Whzan products and services quickly and easily

Buying through the Spark DPS is incredibly easy. You simply need to register as a buyer here, accept the customer access agreement and then set about creating your tender process. You can find full details on how to buy here.

Remember to search for Solcom Ltd, our parent company in order to buy Whzan products through this system. 

Buy through NHS Shared Business Services Supplier

Solcom Ltd, developers of Whzan Digital Health software are also on the NHS Shared Business Services framework. The framework agreement is titled Technology Enabled Care Services 2 - SBS 10144


Once again this framework allows buyers from the NHS to access Whzan products and services easily either through direct award or mini-competition. 

Any interested parties can email NSBS direct to register and full details of the framework are listed here.

As before, please remember to search for Solcom Ltd, developers of Whzan, to buy our products through this framework.

G-Cloud 14 - Crown Commercial Service (CCS)

Lot 2 - Cloud Software

Runs from 11/24 - 04/26

NEPO533 - Tech Enabled Care, Lone Working and Digital Solution

Lot 1 - Traditional Telecare & Telehealth Items

Runs from 03/23 - 02/25

Public Health DPS - 1083

Category 1 - Health Checks

Category 6 - Wellbeing / Lifestyle Services


Runs from 10/22 - 10/27

Internet of Things Technologies and Services DPS

Digital Telecare Goods DPS

Framework for Technology Enabled Lives

Northern Housing Consortium

Lot 1 - Product catalogue

DPS for the Provision of Digital Services for Co-Managed Care

University of Strathclyde

Lot 4 - Long Term Condition Services / Remote Monitoring & Lot 7 - Smart Housing

Digital Innovation Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Other Frameworks

Please search for Solcom Ltd, T/A Whzan Digital Health

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